Sunday 23 October 2011

All of my children

I went shopping for tools for my new mini garden yesterday and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got a mini spade, gardening gloves and various herbs and roots to grow. It was almost as exciting as buying a new pair of sexy heels – strange I know.
I decided some time ago that I wanted to grow my own veggies and herbs and prepare dishes from that. [I think Jamie Oliver was the inspiration for this but he did  it on a more grand scale, of course - I live on the 1st floor and don’t have a garden so they’ll have to grow in pots.] I got lettuce, chilies, carrots, spring onion, spinach, basil, parsley and thyme. They need to be watered everyday and need to be fertilized every 4 to 6 weeks. I don’t have children but I think this task is very similar to raising little ones. On that note, here they are...all of my children...

May they grow big and strong...