Monday 17 October 2011

Joosy froot

I turned the big 3.0. yesterday and am starting to worry about my body. I was told that this is the beginning of its involuntary expansion and gravity defiance. So I figured I’d be proactive and do the necessary to delay this eventuality for as long as possible.[I may be a few years too late but I’ll give it a go regardless] So I bought my very first pair of running shoes today and drove [yes, drove] to the park near my place. I ran/jogged/skipped and walked for all of 45 minutes – big achievement considering my exercise regime for the past decade consisted of walking from the fridge to the couch…and then back again.
Anyway, I’ve also started drinking home-made juices before meals to help my cause. [A dear friend bought me a juicer for my birthday which is awesome!] I bought a book some time ago titled ‘Raw juices can save your life’ by Sandra Cabot and put it to good use this weekend. The good doctor has recipes for ailments such as acne, cellulite and stomach ulcers and claims that they really work. The combinations are quite something though[there’s one for depression where she includes strawberries, carrots, broccoli, string beans and lettuce leaves. Hmmm…] She also lists the healing properties of each fruit and vegetable in the book which is quite handy when making up your own recipes. And that’s exactly what I did today and it tasted great. I shall call it Joosy froot – just because…
·         2 medium sized carrots
[improves skin, eye-sight, vitality and vigor]
·         A handful of strawberries
[skin cleanser, mild laxative and good for those suffering with high blood pressure and gout]
·         1 nectarine
[aids digestion, useful in bronchitis, asthma and high blood pressure]
·         1 medium sized banana
[aids digestion and improves energy levels]
And the result…

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